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Ecole de Design Graphique à Paris
Integrate the graphic design course

To directly integrate the graphic design course, it is necessary to already have a solid foundation. It is better to have already  did a prep, or a std2a baccalaureate, or a BTS...

You will present to us, with a view to your admission, your portfolio, with all your  most successful works. We will then evaluate together in which year you are. The personality, the passion of desire to learn must be your main motivations.

Our places are limited for a better follow-up of each of our students. If you like to create, innovate, draw, share, research and learn then this school is for you.

For international students, interviews can be done by phone or via Google Meet. In this case, the same documents must be sent by e-mail.


→ Registration fees are 450€

→ And tuition fees of €8,490

Ecole Privée Designer Paris - Création Graphique Ordinateur
Ecole Privée Design Paris - Intégrer le cursus design graphique
Ecole Design Graphique Île de France - Cours de Photographie
Admission Ecole Design Graphique Paris - Cursus Design Graphique

Admissions are open

You  wish  join 1984  at the start of the school year in September 2022  ?


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Titre RNCP de niveau 7 par décision du 20/07/2022.

En partenariat avec AGR, L'école de l'image.

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