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Ecole de Design Graphique à Paris

The internal rules of the students


The rules of school life are intended to establish the way of living together with respect for everyone.  


Living together at the agency/school commits everyone, students, guarantors, stakeholders and educational managers to adopt attitudes that life in community demands, that is to say:


- Respect for others, their work, their property

- Respect for places

- Proper moral and physical dress



1/ School time

Absences and delays cause you to lose valuable theoretical, technical and practical teaching provided by working professionals who will not repeat this course.  


This pedagogical face-to-face meeting is therefore lost on you and you risk falling behind prejudicially for your passage to the next year.  Attendance  (regular attendance)  to classes is a legal obligation.  Students are invited to enter the agency/school as soon as the doors open.  

Opening hours: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Morning class: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Lunch: 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

Afternoon lessons: 1 p.m.-4 p.m.

Creative permanence: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

2/ Delays

Delays are not tolerated, except with an SNCF or RATP proof.  The official class time is 9 a.m.  (except in exceptional cases announced by the management), at 9:10 a.m. the doors are closed, you are asked to wait until 10:30 a.m. to return to class.  


The lobby of the building is by no means a space in which you can wait.  In the event of an unjustified delay, you are requested to go up to the school floor discreetly and report your delay. You wait for the break to integrate the course, if however the speaker agrees.  


For any unjustified delay you will be  registered as absent from class.  In the afternoon, classes resume at 1 p.m., unless the speaker or the management indicates it.

3/ Emergencies

Health issues must be reported to the facility. The establishment is not empowered to dispense medication on its own initiative.


Any accident, even minimal, must be reported at the time to the management who will take the necessary measures and proceed to the declaration of the accident.  For any emergency, the intervention of the fire brigade is requested.  

In accordance with the evacuation instructions displayed in the establishment and as soon as the alarm bell rings, you are requested to evacuate the classrooms, the hall and the clearances in peace under the direction of the speakers as is practiced. during annual evacuation drills.  

4/ Absences

In case of absence, you must notify the school at the latest in the morning.  


After 3 unjustified absences, the guarantors are kept informed, to warn them of the risks that repeated absences pose to the smooth running of the year and the fact that the transition can only be made if all the expected skills are acquired. .  


After 6 unjustified absences, a temporary exclusion is planned and will jeopardize obtaining the modules.  Beyond that, a definitive exclusion may be considered. The student must imperatively submit written proof whatever the reason and duration of the absence upon their return (doctor, letter from the guarantor). Appointments must be made outside school hours (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  


Students must complete the work requested of them by the lecturers and submit their work to the control methods of the courses given to them,  even during and after an absence.


An absent student is responsible for picking up the work himself.  Help through students in the class can be put in place, but it is the absentee who remains directly responsible.

5/ The place

The entrance doors to the building and the agency/school must always be closed, for security reasons.


No groupings or noise pollution are allowed in the hall of the building. No person outside the establishment is authorized to enter the school, including during the assembly of the jpos, without the management being informed.


Students must contribute to the cleanliness of the school so that the living environment can be pleasant and healthy.  Out of respect for all, they will not throw anything anywhere other than in the bins provided for this purpose.  The establishment emphasizes the student's environment, so everyone will ensure that the equipment is respected and that the rooms are clean. It is strictly forbidden to use "fixatives and aerosols".  


In the case of work, such as cutting, painting, drawing, etc.  The student is responsible for cleaning his space  (table, chair, floor).

The kitchen is a common place, everyone is responsible for storing, cleaning, drying, what he has soiled or disturbed. Make good use of the dishwasher. The sanitary facilities must remain clean after everyone has passed through, the lights must be turned off.


The radiators can only be managed by the management, if the temperature is not suitable,  please cover up and report it to management. No personal belongings should be left in the school.  Unless management agrees.


No material belonging to the school is authorized to leave. Books including. Unless otherwise agreed by the management. Unless authorized, you do not leave your work and materials in the classrooms. The school declines all responsibility.  Personal work presented during the days  doors  opened must be picked up the week following the  JPOs. The school cannot be held responsible for thefts committed on its premises. Be careful not to leave anything unattended.  Any act harmful to the school is sanctioned and may be subject to financial compensation and exclusion.


Thank you for acting in conscience, turning off the overhead projector, the speakers, unnecessary lights, abusive water flows...

6/ Knowing how to live

Respect for others and politeness are an imperative necessity of community life:  students, guarantors, service or administrative staff, stakeholders, clients, juries, all deserve respect.


All students must be polite in their words and in their attitude towards adults as well as towards their classmates.


Insolence, casualness, rudeness will be immediately punished.

7/ Knowing how to be

Dress and behavior should not be indecent or provocative, but simple and consistent with agency/school life.


It is forbidden to photograph or film outside the authorizations given by the speakers, and this, in respect of the right to the image and in accordance with the law.  (art.22b.1  of the civil code).


It is forbidden to smoke in the agency/school or in the immediate surroundings:  students must not have any illicit or toxic products or objects, under penalty of serious and immediate sanctions.  


You are asked to respect the course given to you, computers and mobile phones will be closed unless they are used in class. 

8/ Pedagogy

Through their teaching, the speakers allow each student the best possible learning. But that remains in vain if guarantors and students do not adhere without restriction to the elementary rules of all school work. The school can have your projects and work whatever the media, for any internal or external communication.  Unless there is a confidentiality clause within the framework of a professional partnership, you can dispose of your work provided that you accompany this distribution with the express mention "realized within the framework of the course at 1984 SCHOOL OF DESIGN" and to note the school year.  


During the year, you will be called upon for major school events, Open Days, Fairs, Conferences, Exhibition of diplomas...

All students must have their own equipment:

The equipment will be requested in advance by the speaker.

9/ Evaluation

Students must do the actual work for validations  for the day indicated. It is mandatory to be evaluated to present to the intermediate renderings and to the jury.

The objective of 75% minimum per report must be validated for  be eligible for a diploma


Everyone advances at their own pace, you can take at least 3 years to reach this percentage.  


No subject  is not optional.  Every year, the management will analyze your file and your attitude, to take stock of your progress.


Reduplication does not literally exist. An indicative level will be given by the teaching staff. 

1O/ Diploma year

The traditional grading system resumes in the 4th year. In the fourth year, failure to submit a project on the scheduled date or an absence from a determining phase of evaluation results in a zero: this mark is eliminatory and results in the non-presentation of the diploma.  


Any lateness at the diploma presentation appointment is eliminatory and without appeal.  


The team that supervises the diplomas in agreement with the management may reject the application of a student for the diploma if the work is insufficient and/or in the event of non-regularity in the presence and in the work required by the diploma team.  


All candidates must take care to respect the rules against plagiarism when writing documents (internship report, dissertation, presentation, various written documents, etc.) and during their conceptual and creative approaches. He takes responsibility. 

 11/ Agency work

Each agency project is mandatory, the educational team that oversees the agency, analyzes, observes and notes the behavior and investment of each.  In his involvement, in the work, in the group and in front of the customers.  


Some projects coming from outside, imply a collective remuneration, this one is stated by the pedagogical team.  The sum will be spent collectively on different projects (purchase of specific equipment, travel, conferences, etc.), they are subject to a unanimous vote.  The projects incubated by the school aim to develop it and  value it. Everyone can propose a project or a client to the teaching team. 

12/ Internships

Each student must have done 2 internships:  one of 2 months minimum and one of 4 months minimum to qualify for the diploma.


All the internships provided for in the training are compulsory and are the subject of an internship report which is integrated into the assessment for the transition to the next year. Students must find their internships and take all the steps in this direction. The school offers a support system for finding internships, preparing CVs and books.  


Only these periods, which are the subject of an internship agreement between the establishment and the internship supervisor, are considered to be the responsibility of the establishment and validated in the course.  


Any student who is absent, late or does not provide the work requested on the scheduled date and invoking an internship outside these periods is liable to dismissal and, in the year of the diploma,
the rejection of his application for the title of the school.  


As part of the internships, everyone must be supervised by a senior artistic director or an artistic director.  The internship must be done in a classic setting  (fixed times and place of reception).  Only 3-month internships are required to be paid.  


The first internship can last from 2 to 4 months, the second from 4 to 6 months. You can extend your internships as long as the start date imposed by the management is respected.

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